Parish News for 13th Week in Ordinary Time
This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul. Fr. David will be with us to celebrate the Mass. Matthew’s Gospel recounts Jesus asking Simon Peter who he thought he was. “You are the Christ,” said Peter, “the Son of the Living God.” Jesus tells him, “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church.”
Click here for the readings
S. Paul’s Patronal Festival Mass
The Patronal Festival Mass of Ss. Peter and Paul will be celebrated at S. Paul’s Camden Square on Sunday 30th June at 11.30am. Because of a hall booking, the bring-and-share lunch has been postponed until Sunday 7th July. All welcome.
No Reading Group Saturday 29th June
Jonathan will not be able to lead the Reading Group on Saturday 29th June because he will be attending the Ordination at S. Andrew Holborn. The group will reconvene on Saturday 6th July after the 10am Mass. If you would like to join the group, please email Jonathan.
William Allen Ordination
William’s Ordination to the Diaconate will be on Saturday 29th June at 11am at S. Andrew Holborn. Please pray for him and go along to support him at the Ordination Mass if you can.
Solemn Mass of S. Thomas
On Wednesday 3rd July at 7pm, a Solemn Mass of S. Thomas will be celebrated at S. Andrew Holborn. The Mass will be followed by a light supper and drinks. S. Andrew Holborn is a short walk from Chancery Lane tube and City Thameslink stations and on the 46 bus route. All welcome.
S. Pancras Old Church WhatsApp Group
S. Pancras Old Church has a lively WhatsApp Group to chat about church matters and for the latest news. If you wish to be added to the group, please email including your mobile number in the email. Or speak to Sandra, our Churchwarden.
Thursdays at 10am
During the summer months, Thursday morning services may be Service of the Word and Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament instead of Mass.
Nicolas Boisson Ordination
Our former pastoral assistant Nicolas Boisson’s ordination to the Diaconate will be on Thursday 18th July at 7.15pm at All Saints Northampton. Please pray for Nicolas as he prepares for Ordination.
Please give regularly!
Giving regularly supports our ministry and keeps the doors open everyday of the year for all. If you are a UK taxpayer you can claim Gift Aid which increases your donation. If you feel that our church life feeds your faith then please support us. Click here to sign up Every little helps…
The Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul
Sunday 30th June
Solemn Mass 9.30am
Sung Mass S. Paul’s Camden Square 11.30am
S. Oliver Plunkett, Bishop, Martyr
Monday 1st July
No Mass
Tuesday 2nd July
Mass & Benediction 6.30pm
S. Thomas, Apostle
Wednesday 3rd July
Mass at S. Paul’s Camden Square 11am
S. Elizabeth of Portugal
Thursday 4th July
Service of the Word & Holy Communion (Rsvd Sacrament) 10am
S. Antony Mary Zaccaria, Priest
Friday 5th July
No Mass
Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Saturday 6th July
Mass 10am
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday 7th July
Solemn Mass 9.30am