Lent 2022
Lent is the season of preparation for the great Feast of Easter and is traditionally observed through Fasting, Almsgiving and Prayer. At Old S.Pancras there will a number of opportunities to immerse yourself in this special time and so come closer to God through his Son.
Ash Wednesday 2nd March
11am Mass with Imposition of Ashes at S.Paul’s
6pm Solemn Mass with choir and Imposition of Ashes
Music by Byrd, Lotti and Hassler
Stations of the Cross Tuesdays in Lent at 6pm
A 25mins devotional walk around the church following the Way of Sorrows
Lent Reading Groups 11am on Sundays
3 Chapters from 3 different books
Sunday 13th March Hiddenness by Mark Oakley
Sunday 20th March Happiness by Richard Harries
Sunday 27th March Heaven and Hell by Timothy Radcliffe
Speak to Fr James for the reading material in advance
Lent Appeal 2022
This year we have been asked to help support The Anglican Orphanage for Babies in the Asante Mampong Diocese of Ghana. The home was originally built in 1957 by the Sisters of the Holy Paraclete from Whitby in Yorkshire. The home is currently caring for 45 babies, but the building is in desperate need of repair and renovation. Please consider setting aside some money each week in Lent for this very worthy cause. You can give by cash on Sundays or click here to donate online.
Lent trip to The National Gallery
Saturday 12th March 10am
looking together at paintings of Christ’s Passion
Free Entry
Meet at St Martin in the Fields Church at 9.45am
No 10am mass on this day
Contemplative Prayer
Contemplative Prayer in profound silence has a long history in the church, dating back to the second century. Our Silent Prayer Group meets monthly in S.Paul’s Church and is led by Judy Powell who is a Licensed Lay Minister in the parish and an experienced Spiritual Director. In Lent she is offering a taster session for those new to contemplative prayer at 1pm on Tuesday March 10th. All welcome.