NEW Silent Prayer Group
We are holding a series of short Silent Prayer sessions on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at
St Paul’s Church, Camden Square, NW1 9XG. These will be Contemplative Prayer sessions.
What is Contemplative Prayer?
Contemplative prayer has been described as listening for God; opening ourselves to God;
waiting silently upon God. Other descriptions are meditation, contemplation, centring
prayer or ‘the prayer of quiet’. In contemplative prayer we seek to be aware of the presence
of God and to remain silently and attentively in that presence, completely open to God.
It is not just that words are unnecessary, but that they may even get in the way. Prayer
involves listening as well as speaking, but so often we do all the talking and God doesn’t get
a chance to talk with us! Simply ‘being with God’ like this is a very natural way of praying. It
may be the only way we can pray when we’re tired or ill. Some children pray in this way
quite instinctively.
If we feel we need to learn how to be still with God, we might start with some ways that
other people have found helpful. Belonging to a group of people who meet regularly to pray
in silent contemplation can be a great help and encouragement. We do not feel isolated.
Prayerful silence is greatly helped when two or three are together, and this complements
our daily personal prayer.
How do the meetings run?
We sit in a (spaced) circle of chairs, within the welcoming Chapel at St Paul’s Church.
We start with a short reading or piece of music, then enter a period of about 20 minutes’
It’s a period for each person just to be still with God, opening ourselves to God, perhaps led
by the music or a few words from the reading.
At the end of the 20 minutes, the leader replays the music or repeats the reading, and we
say a brief prayer together.
People are then free to go, but tea and coffee are available after the silence. If you’re
coming in during your lunch break, feel free to eat your sandwiches at this point!
We follow the pattern of The Julian Meetings, a body which supports the practice of
Contemplative Prayer in the Christian Tradition. See
Meeting Dates
Tuesdays September 21st October 19th, November 16th, December 21st, all @ 1pm
“Come and See”
..or talk to Judy. 07504 924492