Parish News for 1st Week of Eastertide
This Sunday is Easter Sunday. We celebrate the resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ in the Mass of the Resurrection with choir. This is the climax of the Church year and a joyful celebration for Christians.
Click here for the scripture readings
Holy Week Services
Here is a reminder of services this week:
Maundy Thursday, 28th March at 8pm
Mass of the Lord’s Supper with choir
Good Friday, 29th March at 12 Noon
Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion with choir
Holy Saturday, 30th March at 8pm
Easter Vigil and first Mass of Easter with choir
Holy Saturday Cleaning
On Saturday morning from around 10am we will clean the church in preparation for the Easter Vigil and first Mass of Easter at 8pm. Please join us. Refreshments will be available. All welcome.
Easter Day Lunch at S. Paul’s
Please join us for a bring-and-share lunch at S. Paul’s Camden Square on Easter Sunday from 12.30pm after the Mass of the Resurrection at 11.30am. All welcome.
Saturday Morning Mass
On Saturday mornings from 6th April, the 10am Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Yaroslav Walker or Fr. Simon Walsh.
Fr. James’ Institution Mass
Please support Fr. James on Monday 8th April at 7pm when Bishop Jonathan will formally Institute him as Vicar of All Hallows Gospel Oak. All Hallows is in Savernake Road NW3 2JP, a short walk from Gospel Oak overground station and near the CII bus route. All welcome.
Pilgrimage to Walsingham
The annual Old S. Pancras Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham will be Friday-Sunday, 14th-16th June, led by Fr. Guy, our former Assistant Priest. The cost is £240 in total. Please ask Jonathan for a booking form.
Please give regularly!
Giving regularly supports our ministry and keeps the doors open everyday of the year for all. If you are a UK taxpayer you can claim Gift Aid which increases your donation. If you feel that our church life feeds your faith then please support us. Click here to sign up Every little helps…
Churchwardens of S. Pancras Old Church
Easter Sunday
31st March
Mass of the Resurrection with choir 9.30am
Mass of the Resurrection at
S. Paul’s 11.30am
Easter Monday
1st April
No Mass
Easter Tuesday
2nd April
Mass & Benediction 6.30pm
Easter Wednesday
3rd April
Mass at S. Paul’s 11am
Easter Thursday
4th April
Mass 10am
Easter Friday
5th April
No Mass
Easter Saturday
6th April
Mass 10am
2nd Sunday
of Easter
7th April
Solemn Mass 9.30am