Parish News for 2nd Week of Eastertide
This Sunday is the second Sunday of Easter. We hear the Gospel story of doubting Thomas who did not believe the other disciples had seen the Lord. Then he encountered Jesus and touched his wounds. “Doubt no longer but believe,” Jesus tells him.
Click here for the scripture readings
Holy Week and Easter Thanks
Our profound thanks go to all who assisted in any way with a wonderful series of celebrations during Holy Week. Particular thanks to Sam and the choirs for the music during the liturgies, to our faithful band of servers who worked so hard, to all who cleaned and prepared the Church, to those who organised refreshments, arranged flowers and did a million other jobs which we simply take for granted.
Saturday Morning Mass
On Saturday mornings from 6th April, the 10am Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Yaroslav Walker or Fr. Simon Walsh.
Fr. James’ Institution Mass
Please support Fr. James on Monday 8th April at 7pm when Bishop Jonathan will formally Institute him as Vicar of All Hallows Gospel Oak. All Hallows is in Savernake Road NW3 2JP, a short walk from Gospel Oak overground station and near the CII bus route. All welcome.
Pilgrimage to Walsingham
The annual Old S. Pancras Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham will be Friday-Sunday, 14th-16th June, led by Fr. Guy, our former Assistant Priest. The cost is £240 in total. Please ask Jonathan for a booking form.
Please give regularly!
Giving regularly supports our ministry and keeps the doors open everyday of the year for all. If you are a UK taxpayer you can claim Gift Aid which increases your donation. If you feel that our church life feeds your faith then please support us. Click here to sign up Every little helps…
Churchwardens of S. Pancras Old Church
2nd Sunday of Eastertide
7th April
Solemn Mass 9.30am
The Annunciation of the Lord
Monday 8th April
No Mass
Fr. James’ Institution Mass at All Hallows, 7pm
Tuesday 9th April
Mass & Benediction 6.30pm
Wednesday 10th April
Mass at S. Paul’s 11am
S. Stanislaus, Bishop, Martyr
Thursday 11th April
Mass 10am
Friday 12th April
No Mass
S. Martin I,
Pope, Martyr
Saturday 13th April
Mass 10am
3rd Sunday
of Eastertide
14th April
Solemn Mass 9.30am