Parish News for 6th Week of Eastertide

May 2, 2024 by Churchwardens in Weekly News

This Sunday is the Sixth Sunday of Eastertide and the first Sunday in May, the month devoted to Mary, the Queen of Heaven. A Pontifical Solemn Mass on Sunday 5th May will be a May Devotion to Our Lady celebrated by Bishop Jonathan who is giving First Holy Communion on that day. Please pray for him and for the communicants as they prepare for the Sacraments.
At 11.30am, Bishop Jonathan will celebrate a May Devotion Mass at S. Paul’s Camden Square, followed by a bring and share lunch. All welcome!

Bank Holiday, Monday 6th May, Church Closed
Please note, the church will be closed on the bank holiday, Monday 6th May.

Ascension Day, Thursday 9th May
On Ascension Day, Thursday 9th May, the usual 10am Mass will be celebrated at S. Pancras Old Church. For those who cannot attend that Mass on this feast day, there is a 6pm Mass at S. Mary’s, Eversholt Street, NW1 1BN.

S. Pancras Patronal Festival Mass
On Sunday 12th May there will be a Patronal Festival Mass in honour of our patron S. Pancras, celebrated by Fr. David.

Pilgrimage to Walsingham
The annual Old S. Pancras Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham will be Friday-Sunday, 14th-16th June, led by Fr. Guy, our former Assistant Priest. The cost is £240 in total. Please ask Jonathan for a booking form.

Please give regularly!
Giving regularly supports our ministry and keeps the doors open everyday of the year for all. If you are a UK taxpayer you can claim Gift Aid which increases your donation. If you feel that our church life feeds your faith then please support us. Click here to sign up  Every little helps…


May Devotion to Our Lady
Sunday 5th May
Pontifical Solemn Mass 9.30am
Pontifical Sung Mass at S. Paul’s 11.30am

Monday 6th May 
Bank Holiday
Church closed

Tuesday 7th May 
Mass & Benediction 6.30pm

Wednesday 8th May 
Mass at S. Paul’s 11am

Ascension Day
Thursday 9th May
Mass 10am

S. John of Ávila,
Priest, Doctor

Friday 10th May 
No Mass

Saturday 11th May
Mass 10am

S. Pancras Patronal Festival Mass
Sunday 12th May
Solemn Mass 9.30am