Parish News for 7th Week of Eastertide
This Sunday is the Seventh Sunday of Eastertide. We will honour our patron S. Pancras in our annual Patronal Festival Mass celebrated by Fr. David. Please join us on this special occasion. Drinks and nibbles will be provided after the Mass.
Christian Aid Week
Sunday 12th May marks the start of Christian Aid Week which raises funds to help Christian Aid work towards a world where families can escape the trap of poverty. The link to donate is:
Silent Prayer at S. Paul’s
Silent Prayer sessions resume at S. Paul’s Camden Square at 1pm on Thursday 16th May. The sessions provide a short time of contemplative prayer in profound silence led by Community Chaplain Judy Powell, a Licensed Lay Minister and an experienced spiritual director. All welcome.
Pentecost Sunday
Sunday 19th May is Pentecost Sunday. The Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Graeme who will also conduct two baptisms. A choir will accompany the Mass and the setting will be Missa Brevis in D by Mozart.
Gates to St Pancras Gardens
Following an accident and damage to the gates and overthrow into St Pancras Gardens, the gates have been removed for repair. Vehicle access is once again possible, but we have been advised to use extreme caution driving through the temporary entrance.
Pilgrimage to Walsingham
The annual Old S. Pancras Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham will be Friday-Sunday, 14th-16th June, led by Fr. Guy, our former Assistant Priest. The cost is £240 in total. Please ask Jonathan for a booking form.
Please give regularly!
Giving regularly supports our ministry and keeps the doors open everyday of the year for all. If you are a UK taxpayer you can claim Gift Aid which increases your donation. If you feel that our church life feeds your faith then please support us. Click here to sign up Every little helps…
S. Pancras Patronal Festival Mass
Sunday 12th May
Solemn Mass 9.30am
Our Lady of Fátima
Monday 13th May
No Mass
S. Matthias, Apostle
Tuesday 14th May
Mass & Benediction 6.30pm
Wednesday 15th May
Mass at S. Paul’s 11am
Thursday 16th May
Mass 10am
Silent Prayer at
S. Paul’s 1pm
Friday 17th May
No Mass
S. John I, Pope, Martyr
Saturday 18th May
Mass 10am
Sunday 19th May
Solemn Mass 9.30am