Parish News for Holy Week
This Sunday is Palm Sunday. We will gather on the steps for the blessing of palms and procession into church. We are at the beginning of the celebration of our Lord’s Paschal Mystery, that is to say, of his Passion and Resurrection.
Click here for the scripture readings
Mass Times in Holy Week
No morning Masses will be celebrated at S. Pancras Old Church during Holy Week. The 11am Mass on Wednesday at S. Paul’s Camden Square will be celebrated as usual.
Holy Saturday Cleaning
On Saturday 30th March from around 10am, we will clean the church in preparation for the Easter Vigil and first Mass of Easter. Refreshments will be available. All welcome.
Saturday Morning Mass from 6th April
On Saturday mornings from 6th April, the 10am Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Yaroslav or Fr. Simon Walsh.
Reading Group
The Reading Group is now on pause until after Easter. To find out more about the group please email Jonathan.
Fr. James’ Institution Mass
Please support Fr. James on Monday 8th April at 7pm when Bishop Jonathan will formally Institute him as Vicar of All Hallows Gospel Oak. All Hallows is in Savernake Road, London NW3 2JP, a short walk from Gospel Oak overground station and near the CII bus route. All welcome.
Pilgrimage to Walsingham
The annual Old S. Pancras Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham will be 14th-16th June led by Fr. Guy, our former Assistant Pries. The cost is £240 in total. Ask Jonathan for a booking form. BOOK EARLY AS PLACES ARE LIMITED!
Mass Times
Palm Sunday
24th March
Solemn Mass 9.30am
Holy Monday
25th March
Solemn Mass with homily 6.30pm
Holy Tuesday
26th March
Solemn Mass with homily 6.30pm
Holy Wednesday 27th March
Mass 11am S.Paul’s.
Solemn Mass with homily 6.30pm
Maundy Thursday
28th March
Mass of the Lord’s Supper with choir 8pm
Good Friday
29th March
Solemn Liturgy of
the Lord’s Passion with choir 12 noon
Holy Saturday
30th March
Easter Vigil and first Mass of Easter with choir 8pm
Easter Sunday
31st March
Mass of the Resurrection with choir 9.30am