Parish News for Holy Week

April 7, 2022 by James Elston in Weekly News

Weekly News

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. Jesus enters Jerusalem to the cheers of the crowds waving palm branches but by Friday everything is different as the same crowd will be shouting for his crucifixion, and so we begin Holy Week.

Each year we follow in the footsteps of Jesus though his final days. It is a profound spiritual experience to immerse yourself in the liturgies that will unfold, and although it is a sacrifice to make time to be in church, you will be richly rewarded with a deeper joy in the Resurrection when we move from darkness to light at the Easter Vigil. 

Bishop’s Chrism Mass Tuesday 13th April
All are welcome to attend Bishop Jonathan’s Chrism Mass where all his priests gather to celebrate mass with him each Holy Week and the Holy Oils for the year are blessed. It is always a very moving mass so please do come. 11am in S.Andrew’s Church Holborn. Speak to Fr James for more details.

Help needed!
Please help prepare the church for Easter on Holy Saturday, 16th April at 10am. Fresh coffee and cake will be provided. Brass cleaners are particularly welcome and offers of homemade cake to sustain us will be gratefully received.

Film Club
The next outing is to see Operation Mincemeat starring Colin Firth on Sunday 24th April in the afternoon, time and venue to follow. All welcome. 

Grand Festival Raffle
Tickets are now on sale at £5 per strip of 5 and The Bishop will draw the raffle at our Festival Mass on the 15th May. Amazing Prizes including a piece of designer jewellery, champagne and tickets to the London Eye. Please speak to Mary Kavanagh.

Lent Appeal
Lent is the traditional for almsgiving. Please consider giving to help rebuild The Anglican Babies Orphanage in Ghana. Click here for more details.

Regular Giving
Thank you to all those who responded to the call to give regularly to Old S.Pancras. Regular giving supports our ministry and keeps our doors open everyday of the year for all. Click here to sign up. Every little helps.

Mass Times

Sunday 10th April
Palm Sunday
Solemn Mass with Blessing of Palms, Procession and Choir 9.30am followed by coffee

Holy Monday 11th April
Solemn Mass with homily 6pm

Holy Tuesday 12th April
Chrism Mass 11am
Solemn Mass with homily 6pm

Holy Wednesday 13th April
Mass 11am at S.Paul’s
Solemn Mass with homily 6pm

Maundy Thursday 14th April
Mass of Lord’s Supper 7pm followed by the Watch of Prayer

Good Friday 15th April
Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion 12pm with a choir singing the S.John Passion by Victoria

Holy Saturday 16th April
Church cleaning 10am
Easter Vigil Mass with choir 8pm followed by champagne

Sunday 17th April
Solemn Mass of the Resurrection 9.30am with choir singing music by Mozart.

Sung Mass 11.30am at S.Paul’s followed by Bring and Share Lunch