Parish News for the 13th Week in Ordinary Time
This Sunday is the 13th in Ordinary Time. In the Gospel reading Jesus is in a fishing boat with his disciples when a storm breaks around them but he continues to sleep. The disciples are afraid and wake him, he then calms the sea and brings them to safety. When we meet Jesus in the mass we bring him the storms of our lives and souls in the sure knowledge that he will calm and save us. Click here for the Scripture Readings.
S. Paul’s Patronal Festival
This Sunday at 11.30am Sung Mass at S. Paul’s Camden Square, followed by a bring-and-share lunch with festival cocktails. All are welcome. PLEASE COME!
S.Benet’s Kentish Town Patronal Festival
Tuesday 11th July, 7pmHigh Mass and Procession of the Relic of St Benedict. Preacher, Fr Christopher Smith Vicar of St Alban, Holborn.
The Church in art
Daisy, a new member of our congregation has made an art film about The Hardy Tree and our church, which is being exhibited at the Royal College of Art in Kensington SW7 2EU, 30th June until the 3rd July 12-18h. All Welcome
Parish film
A really beautiful 7mins film has been made about the S.Paul’s Woodland Garden Project. Please click here to watch.
Regular Giving
Supports our ministry and keeps our doors open everyday of the year for all. Click here to sign up. Every little helps.
Mass Times
Sunday 2nd July
13th per annum
Solemn Mass 9.30am followed by coffee
Patronal Festival Mass 11.30am at S.Paul’s followed by lunch
Monday 3rd July
Mass 9.30am
Tuesday4th July
S.Elizabeth of Portugal
Mass and Benediction 6.30pm followed by drinks
Wednesday 5th July
S.Antony Zaccaria
Mass 11am at S.Paul’s followed by coffee
Thursday 6th July
S.Maria Goretti
Mass 10am followed by coffee
Friday 7th July
Mass 1.05pm at S.Mary’s Fr James’ day-off
Saturday 8th July
Our Lady
Mass 10am
Sunday 9th July
14th per annum
Solemn Mass 9.30am followed by coffee