Parish News for the 13th Week in Ordinary Time
Weekly News
This Sunday is the 13th in Ordinary Time. In the Gospel reading from Luke we meet Jesus with his disciples on the way to Jerusalem and hear a series of what are known as his hard-sayings. At the heart of them is his call to fully commit to him in whom is found true life.Click here for the Scripture Readings. S. Paul’s Patronal Festival On Sunday 3rd July at the 11.30 Sung Mass, S. Paul’s Camden Square, the Archdeacon of Hampstead will be the guest preacher. Followed by a bring-and-share lunch in the garden with festival cocktails. All are welcome. Keats-Shelley 200 A Gala evening of poetry read by Reeta Chakrabarti and music with string trio and harpist to celebrate the legacy of the Shelley and Wollstonecraft. Wednesday 6th July. Click here for more details. S. Benet’s Patronal Festival Please come and support Fr. Guy on the Feast of S. Benedict. There will be a Festival Mass followed by drinks on Monday 11th July, 7pm, at S. Benet’s Kentish Town with Fr. Graeme Rowlands as guest preacher. All are welcome. Old S. Pancras Wine Cellar Wine is served at many of our social events during the year and on Tuesdays after Mass (and is enjoyed by many of you!) Our cellar now needs restocking. Please bring any of your unwanted bottles or consider donating a bottle or two regularly. Hospitality is a vital part of our mission and outreach, but it isn’t without cost. S.Mary’s Eversholt Street Our sister church has been closed for public worship while urgent repairs are made to the masonry. Fr.Paschal and members of his congregation will be joining us on Sundays for the time being. Please make them feel welcome. Regular Giving Supports our ministry and keeps our doors open everyday of the year for all. Click here to sign up. Every little helps. |
Mass Times
Sunday 26th June
13th per annum
Solemn Mass and Benediction 9.30am followed by coffee
Monday 27th June
S.Cyril of Alexandria
Mass 9.30am
Tuesday 28th June
Solemn Vigil Mass and Benediction for Ss. Peter & Paul 6.30pm followed by drinks
Wednesday 29th June
Ss Peter & Paul
Mass 11am at S.Paul’s followed by coffee
Thursday 30th June
First Martyrs of Rome
Mass at 10am followed by coffee
Friday 1st July
S.Oliver Plunket
No Mass Fr James’ Day Off
Saturday 2nd June
Our Lady
Mass 10am followed by coffee
Confessions 11am
Sunday 3rd June
14th per annum
Solemn Mass and Benediction 9.30am followed by coffee
Festival Mass 11.30am at S.Paul’s Camden Square