Parish News for the 18th Week in Ordinary Time
Weekly News
Dear friends,
This Sunday is the 18th in Ordinary Time. In the Gospel reading from S.John, Jesus builds on Miracle of the feeding of the 5000, and teaches his followers that he is the bread of life and fulfilment in life comes through him and the bread that he gives. This is why coming to mass regularly to receive Holy Communion is not just an added extra in life but life itself, Real Life with God! Click here for the Scripture Readings.
Fr Guy’s leaving party
This Sunday from about midday at S.Paul’s Camden Square, please bring a bottle. Donations to his leaving gift can be given to Georges or Kandise.
Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady
Sunday 15th August 9.30am. Jonathan, our Bishop is coming to celebrate and preach. There will be a wonderful choir singing a mass by Haydn and drinks on the courtyard afterwards. PLEASE put the date in your diary!
Church Open Day with Cream Teas
Saturday 28th August 1-5pm, cream teas, churchyard tours, children’s games, bric-a-brac & book stall and Prosecco bar. Please come and invite friends! Offers of homemade cakes and new items to sell on the bric-a-brac stall are very welcome!
See you on Sunday
Fr James
Mass Times
Sunday 1st August
18th in Ordinary Time
Solemn Mass 9.30am
Sung Mass at S.Paul’s 11.30am
Monday 2nd August
Ss. Eusebius
Mass 9.30am
Tuesday 3rd August
Mass & Benediction 6pm followed by drinks
Wed 4th August
S.John Vianney
Mass at St Paul’s 11am
followed by coffee
Thursday 5th August
Basilica of S.Mary
Mass 10am
followed by coffee
Friday 6th August
Transfiguration of Our Lord
Fr James day-off
Mass at S.Mary’s 1.05pm
Saturday 7th August
S.Xystus II
Mass 10am
Sunday 8th August
19th in Ordinary Time
Solemn Mass 9.30am