Parish News for the 17th Week in Ordinary Time

July 22, 2021 by guy in Weekly News

Weekly News

Dear friends,

This Sunday is the 17th in Ordinary Time. In the Gospel reading the crowds that come to listen to Jesus become hungry and he feeds them all with five loaves and two fishes. This famous miracle is traditionally interpreted as symbolic of the Eucharist. In every mass we are fed with bread which miraculously is the Body of Christ and the Bread of Heaven.  

Mask wearing 
Masks are no longer mandatory in church. Please be sensitive to those who are still vulnerable and need some social distance at mass. 

Fr Guy’s leaving party
Sunday 1st August from midday at S.Paul’s Camden Square, please bring a bottle. Donations to his leaving gift can be given to Georges or Kandise.

Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady
Sunday 15th August 9.30am. Jonathan, our Bishop is coming to celebrate and preach. There will be a wonderful choir and drinks on the courtyard afterwards. PLEASE put the date in your diary!

Fr James Holiday
I will be away from the 12th to the 26th July, Fr Guy will be looking after you all.

See you on Sunday
Fr James

Mass Times

Sunday 25th July
17th in Ordinary Time
Solemn Mass 9.30am

Monday 26th July
Ss. Joachim & Ann
Mass 9.30am

Tuesday 27th July
Mass & Benediction 6pm followed by drinks

Wed 28th July
Mass at St Paul’s 11am
followed by coffee

Thursday 29th July
Ss Martha, Mary & Lazarus
Mass 10am
followed by coffee

Friday 30th July
S.Peter Chrysologus
Fr James day-off
Mass at S.Mary’s 1.05pm

Saturday 31st July
S.Ignatius Loyola
Mass 10am

Sunday 1st August 
18th in Ordinary Time
Solemn Mass 9.30am Sung Mass at S.Paul’s 11.30am