Parish News for the 1st Week of Lent
Weekly News
This Sunday is the First in Lent. In the Gospel reading Jesus is tempted in the wilderness. All of us are tempted to wander from the path of love and to be tormented by our own demons. Lent is the time in the church year when we confront these things, but we can only do so in the strength of Christ. Click here for the scripture readings. Regular Giving Thank you to all those who responded to the call to give regularly to Old S.Pancras. Regular giving supports our ministry and keeps our doors open everyday of the year for all. Click here to sign up. Every little helps. Lent Lunch Bring and Share Lunch this Sunday after the 11.30am mass at S.Paul’s Camden Square. All Welcome! Stations of the Cross A 25mins devotional walk around the church following the Way of Sorrows. Tuesdays in Lent at 6pm. Lent Appeal Lent is the traditional for almsgiving. Please consider giving to help rebuild The Anglican Babies Orphanage in Ghana. Click here for more details. Film Club The first outing of the Film Club will be on Sunday 20th March in the afternoon to see The Duke starring Jim Broadbent and Helen Mirren. Details to follow. All welcome. Trunk Theatre Saturday 26th March at 2pm in S.Paul’s. Children’s theatre company performing an educational and fun show for children all out of a trunk. Click here for more details. |
Mass Times
Sunday 6th March
Lent I
Solemn Mass 9.30am followed by coffee
Sung Mass at S.Paul’s followed by bring and share lunch
Monday 7th March
Ss Felicity and Perpetua
Mass 9.30am
Tuesday 8th March
S.John of God
Mass and Benediction 6.30pm followed by drinks
Wednesday 9th March
S.Frances of Rome Mass at St Paul’s 11am
followed by coffee
Thursday 10th March
S.John Ogilvie
Mass 10am
followed by coffee
Friday 11th March
Lent Feria
Fr James’ Day Off
Mass at S.Mary’s 1.05pm
Saturday 12th March
Lent Feria
Mass 10am
Sunday 13th March
Lent II
Solemn Mass 9.30am followed by coffee