Parish News for the 21st Week in Ordinary Time

August 18, 2022 by James Elston in Weekly News

Weekly News

This Sunday is the 21st in Ordinary Time. In the Gospel reading Jesus teaches that the last shall be first and the first last, thus subverting the values of this world. So often we get stuck in life because we prize and value all the wrong things. But it is only in Him that we find true freedom.  Click here for the Scripture Readings.

Our Lady of Copacabana 
On Saturday 20th August at 2pm we host the annual celebration of the Bolivian community, with a Solemn Mass and traditional Bolivian music. All Welcome
Church Open Day
Saturday 10th September 11-4pm. This event is part of the national Heritage Open Days Scheme. We will be offering Cream Teas, Churchyard tours, an art exhibition in church and the day will conclude with Choral Evensong at 5pm. Please speak to Clare or Fr James if you can help. Click here for details.

S.Mary’s Eversholt Street
Our sister church has been closed for public worship while urgent repairs are made to the masonry. Fr.Paschal and members of his congregation will be joining us on Sundays for the time being. Please make them feel welcome. 

Regular Giving
Supports our ministry and keeps our doors open everyday of the year for all. Click here to sign up. Every little helps.


Mass Times

Sunday 21st August 
21st per Annum
Solemn Mass 9.30am followed by coffee

Monday 22nd August 
Our Lady, mother and Queen

Mass 9.30am 

Tuesday 23rd August 
S.Rose of Lima
Mass and Benediction 6.30pm followed by drinks

Wednesday 24th August 
Mass 11am at S.Paul’s followed by coffee

Thursday 25th August 
Mass 10am followed by coffee

Friday 26th August 
Bl.Dominic of the Mother of God
No Mass Fr James’ Day Off

Saturday 27th August 

Mass 10am followed by coffee
Confessions 11am

Sunday 28th August 
22nd per Annum
Solemn Mass 9.30am followed by coffee