Parish News for the 21st Week in Ordinary Time

August 23, 2021 by James Elston in Weekly News

Weekly News

Dear friends,

This Sunday is the 21st in Ordinary Time. In the Gospel readings we hear of many people turning away from Jesus finding his teaching too hard to accept. Only a few are left but as Peter says Lord, who shall we go to? You have the message of eternal life, and we believe. Click here for the Scripture Readings.

New monthly books are available from Sunday, for September. They contain mass readings and reflections for everyday of the month together with Morning and Evening Prayers. These are beautifully produced and a really good way of deepening your faith. There are 20 copies available please see Nicolas if you would like one, a donation towards the cost would be appreciated.

Church Open Day with Cream Teas
Saturday 28th August 1-5pm, cream teas, churchyard tours, children’s games, bric-a-brac & book stall and Prosecco bar. Please come and invite friends! Offers of homemade cakes are very welcome! 

Mass time CHANGE 
From the 7th September the Tuesday evening mass will be at the slightly later time of 6.30pm. This is to allow those returning to places of work time make the mass. 

Church Condolences for Marta’s family
Postcards will be available from this Sunday for individuals to write messages for Marta’s family, I will then package them up together with pictures of our church to be sent to her family from all of us at Old S.Pancras.

See you on Sunday,

Fr James

Mass Times

Sunday 22nd August 
21st Per Annum
Solemn Mass 9.30am 

Monday 23rd August 
S.Rose of Lima
Mass 9.30am

Tuesday 24th August 
Mass & Benediction 6pm followed by drinks

Wed 25th August 
Mass at St Paul’s 11am
followed by coffee

Thursday 26th August 
Blessed Dominic
Mass 10am
followed by coffee

Friday 27th August 
Fr James day-off
Mass at S.Mary’s 1.05pm

Saturday 28th August
Mass 10am

Sunday 29th August 
22nd Per Annum
Solemn Mass 9.30am