Parish News for the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time
Weekly News
Dear friends,
This Sunday is the 22nd in Ordinary Time. In the Gospel readings we Jesus challenge washing rituals of the Pharisees, especially when the outward rituals and moral actions seem to be at odds. A challenging message for us too! Click here for the Scripture Readings.
THIS SATURDAY!! Church Open Day with Cream Teas
Saturday 28th August 1-5pm, cream teas, churchyard tours, children’s games, bric-a-brac & book stall and Prosecco bar. Please come and invite friends!
Prayers of the Faithful at Sunday Mass
If you are willing to be part of the rota to lead the prayers of intercession on Sunday mornings, please speak to Nicolas. No previous experience required!
Coffee and Brass
Please join Nicolas on Saturday mornings from the 4th September for a spot of brass cleaning accompanied by coffee and conversation. Simply drop in between 10.30-11.30am to help keep our church looking beautiful.
Old S.Pancras Wine Cellar
Wine is served at many of our social events during the year and on Tuesdays after mass. Our cellar now needs restocking. Please bring any of your unwanted bottles or consider donating a bottle or two regularly. Hospitality is a vital part of our mission and outreach, but it isn’t without cost.
Mass time CHANGE
From the 7th September the Tuesday evening mass will be at the slightly later time of 6.30pm. This is to allow those returning to places of work time make the mass.
See you on Sunday,
Fr James
Mass Times
Sunday 29th August
22nd Per Annum
Solemn Mass 9.30am Said Mass at S.Paul’s 11.30am
Monday 30th August
S.Margaret Clitherow
Tuesday 31st August
Mass & Benediction 6pm followed by drinks
Wed 1st September
Mass at St Paul’s 11am
followed by coffee
Thursday 2nd September
Mass 10am
followed by coffee
Friday 3rd September
S.Gregory the Great
Fr James day-off
Mass at S.Mary’s 1.05pm
Saturday 4th September
Mass 10am
Sunday 5th September
23rd Per Annum
Solemn Mass 9.30am Sung Mass at S.Paul’s 11.30 followed by lunch