Parish News for the 27th Week in Ordinary Time

October 1, 2021 by James Elston in Weekly News

Weekly News

This Sunday is Harvest Festival. In our masses we will be giving thanks for all the gifts from God in creation. Please bring tins of food for the Euston Foodbank. The collection will be for The Simon Community Homeless Charity. Bring and Share Harvest Lunch at S.Paul’s Camden Square from midday.

Day Pilgrimage to the Shrine of S.Alban
Saturday 9th October meeting at 9.45am, including cathedral tour, Pilgrim Mass at the Shrine, free time in the City and Choral Evensong. Pick up a leaflet for more details. (No 10am Mass on this Saturday)

Confirmation Mass 2022
Bishop Jonathan is coming to baptise and Confirm on the 1st February 2022 at 6.30pm. Please speak to me if you are interested in exploring this. The Confirmation study course will begin later this autumn,

Magnificat Books
Please speak to Nicolas if you would like to buy an October issue, there are still a few available. 

Coffee and Brass 
Please join Nicolas on Saturday mornings for a spot of brass cleaning accompanied by coffee and conversation. Simply drop in between 10.30-11.30am to help keep our church looking beautiful.

Mass Times

Sunday 3rd October
Harvest Festival
Solemn Mass 9.30am
Sung Mass at S.Paul’s 11.30am

Monday 4th October
S.Francis of Assisi
Mass 9.30am

Tuesday 5th October
Solemn Mass & Benediction 6.30pm followed by drinks

Wednesday 6th October
Mass at St Paul’s 11am
followed by coffee

Thursday 7th October
Our Lady of the Rosary
Mass 10am
followed by coffee

Friday 8th October
Fr James day-off
Mass at S.Mary’s 1.05pm

Saturday 9th October
S.John Henry Newman
Blessing of Pilgrims to the Shrine of S.Alban 9.45am 
No Mass at 10am

Sunday 10th October
28th per Annum
Solemn Mass 9.30am