Parish News for the 3rd Week in Advent

December 14, 2023 by James Elston in Weekly News

This Sunday, the Third of Advent, rose pink vestments are worn and we will light the rose-colored candle as we celebrate Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete simply means “rejoice,” and is taken from the first words of the entrance antiphon, “Gaudete in Domino semper” – Rejoice in the Lord always. And so, as we make our final preparations for Christ’s coming – we rejoice!Click here for the scripture readings. Bishop Jonathan will be with us so PLEASE COME!

Carols at Coal Drops Yard
On Sunday 17th December from 2pm carols will be sung around the Christmas
Tree hosted by Coal Drops Yard and King’s Cross Church with performances from the London Community Gospel Choir. All welcome.

Candlelit Carols
The traditional carol service is on Tuesday 19th December at 6.30pm. Please note: Mass will be at 9.30am; there will be no Mass and Benediction this evening.

Mass Times

Sunday 17th December
Advent III
Solemn Pontifical Mass 9.30am followed by coffee

Monday 18th December
O Adonai
Mass 9.30am

Tuesday 19th 
O Radix Jesse
Mass 9.30am

Candlelit Carols 6.30pm followed by drinks

Wednesday 20th December
O Clavis David
Mass 11am at S.Paul’s followed by coffee

Thursday 21st December
O Oriens
Mass 10am followed by coffee

Friday 22nd December
O Rex Gentium
Mass 1.05pm at S.Mary’s Fr James’ day-off 

Saturday 23rd December
O Emmanuel
Mass 10am
Confessions 10.30am

Sunday 24th December
Advent IV

Solemn Mass 9.30am followed by coffee

Crib Service 4pm

Vigil Mass of Christmas 8pm