Parish News for the 4th Week in Advent

December 21, 2023 by James Elston in Weekly News

This Sunday, is the fourth of Advent, and the Gospel reading draws our attention to the role of Mary in our life of faith. It is Mary’s “Yes” to the Angel Gabriel leads to the birth of our Saviour at Christmas. Just as Mary nurtured the baby Jesus so she cares for us with a mother’s love when we turn to her in prayer. Click here for the Scripture Readings.

Christmas Eve 
9.30am Solemn Mass for the fourth Sunday in Advent followed by coffee
4pm Children’s Crib Service 
8pm Vigil Mass of Christmas with a choir singing Schubert’s Mass in G followed by fizz

Christmas Day
9.30am Solemn Mass followed by coffee
11am Sung Mass at S.Pauls followed by canapés and fizz

Christmas Octave
From the 26th until the 30th December there will No Masses at Old S.Pancras, you can find a daily mass with Fathers Paschal and Guy in their churches. See the mass schedule for more details.

Grand Christmas Raffle
Thank you to Mary and all who bought tickets. we raised nearly £700! 

Parish Supper
Saturday 13th January 6pm An evening in church to be together in the dark days of January. A hot meal will be served, please bring your own drinks. There is no charge to come but please book your place on the sign up sheet after mass.

Announcement last Sunday
Bishop Jonathan announced last Sunday that I have been appointed the next Vicar of All Hallows Gospel Oak. My last Sunday in the parish will be the 10th March and my Institution Mass will be on the 8th April. 

Mass Times

Sunday 24th December
Advent IV

Solemn Mass 9.30am followed by coffee

Crib Service 4pm

Vigil Mass of Christmas 8pm

Monday 25th December
Christmas Day
Solemn Mass 9.30am followed by coffee
Sung Mass at S.Paul’s followed by Canapés

Tuesday 26th 
Mass 10am at S.Benet’s Kentish Town

Wednesday 27th December
Mass and Benediction 6.30pm at S.Benet’s Kentish Town

Thursday 28th December
Holy Innocents
Mass 11am at S.Mary’s 

Friday 29th December
S.Thomas Becket
Mass 1.05pm at S.Mary’s 

Saturday 30th December
of the Christmas Octave
Mass 10am at S.Mary’s 

Sunday 31st December
Holy Family
Solemn Mass 9.30am followed by coffee