Parish News for Passiontide

March 31, 2022 by James Elston in Weekly News

Weekly News

This Sunday is Passion Sunday and so begins Passiontide, the final two weeks of Lent. To mark this sombre season the images of Jesus and the Saints in church will all be veiled in purple, a traditional custom symbolising the hidden divinity of Christ as he approaches his time of suffering.
Click here for the scripture readings. 

Readers for the Palm Sunday Passion
If you would like to take part in the dramatised reading of the Passion on Palm Sunday please speak to Angela. 

Parish Lunch
Bring and Share lunch this Sunday at S.Paul’s Camden Square after the 11.30am Mass. All Welcome!

Concert for Ukraine Thank you to all those who supported the fundraising event last Sunday, we raised an amazing £1250 for the work of Save The Children in Ukraine.

Grand Festival Raffle
Tickets are now on sale at £5 per strip of 5 and The Bishop will draw the raffle at our Festival Mass on the 15th May. Amazing Prizes including a piece of designer jewellery, champagne and tickets to the London Eye. Please speak to Mary Kavanagh.

Lent Appeal
Lent is the traditional for almsgiving. Please consider giving to help rebuild The Anglican Babies Orphanage in Ghana. Click here for more details.

Regular Giving
Thank you to all those who responded to the call to give regularly to Old S.Pancras. Regular giving supports our ministry and keeps our doors open everyday of the year for all. Click here to sign up. Every little helps.

Mass Times

Sunday 3rd April
Passion Sunday
Solemn Mass 9.30am followed by coffee

Sung Mass at S.Paul’s 11.30am followed by Bring&Share Lunch

Monday 4th April
Mass 9.30am

Tuesday 5th April
S.Vincent Ferrer
Stations of the Cross 6pm
Mass and Benediction 6.30pm followed by drinks

Wednesday 6th April
Lent Feria
Mass 11am at S.Paul’s
followed by coffee

Thursday 7th April
S.John Baptist de las Salle
Mass 10am
followed by coffee

Friday 8th April
S.Cyril of Jerusalem
Fr James’ Day Off
Mass at S.Mary’s 1.05pm

Saturday 9th April
Lent Feria
Mass 10am

Sunday 10th April
Palm Sunday
Solemn Mass with Blessing of Palms, Procession and Choir 9.30am followed by coffee