Parish News for the 7th Week in Ordinary Time
Weekly News
This Sunday is the 7th in Ordinary Time. In the Gospel reading Jesus teaches that we must love even our enemies and be compassionate as God is compassionate. In order for us to be shaped by these virtues we must first know ourselves as loved and forgiven by God. As S.John teaches, we only know how to love because we are loved by God first. Thank you To Fr Guy for coming to celebrate the mass this Sunday, sadly he will have to dash off afterwards to celebrate the Sunday mass at S.Benet’s. Ash Wednesday Solemn Mass 1st March 6pm with Imposition of Ashes. A choir will sing a mass setting by Hassler and anthems by Byrd and Lotti. This is a Holy Day of Obligation, please come on this important day New Film Club If you are interested in a monthly outing to the cinema with other church members, please speak to Sandra after Mass for more details. DCC Meeting The next meeting of the DCC will convene at 11am on Sunday 27th February. Confirmation and Baptism Bishop Jonathan will be with us on the 15th May to celebrate the S.Pancras Festival Mass. If you are interested in being Baptised and/or Confirmed on that day please speak to me for more details. Annual Leave I will be on annual leave in the Holy Land from 14th to 22nd February. If you urgently need a priest, please contact Fr. Paschal |
Mass Times
Sunday 20th February
7th Per Annum
Solemn Mass 9.30am
Monday 21st February
S.Peter Damian
Mass 9.30am
Tuesday 22nd February
S.Peter’s Chair
Mass and Benediction 6.30pm followed by drinks
Wednesday 23rd February
Mass at St Paul’s 11am
followed by coffee
Thursday 24th February
Mass 10am
followed by coffee
Friday 25th February
Fr James’ Day Off
Mass at S.Mary’s 1.05pm
Saturday 26th February
Our Lady
Mass 10am
Sunday 27th February
8th Per Annum
Solemn Mass 9.30am