Parish News for the First Week of Advent

November 24, 2022 by James Elston in Weekly News

This Sunday we begin a new Church Year with the season of Advent. It is a sombre season of preparation and expectation for the great Feast of Christmas. The Church is dressed in purple and we begin each Sunday Mass with the traditional singing of the Rorate Caeli with words from the Prophet Isaiah. Click here for the scripture readings. 

Sundays at 11
This Sunday Reflections for the Advent season with Fr. James. 
11th December The Psychology of Christmas – A short talk by Professor Adrian Furnham.
18th December Decorating the church Christmas Tree.

Advent Carols by Candlelight at S.Benet’s Kentish Town
Sunday 27th November at 6pm. Traditional Advent music sung by the choir together with readings to begin the season of preparation for Christmas. Followed by drinks.

Christmas Stall
Each Sunday there will be in stall in church selling church Christmas cards, home produce, studio pottery and second hand books, please bring your purses from this Sunday!

Saturday 3rd December  
6pm Wine tasting evening with Margaret Harvey, Master of Wine tasting the best supermarket wines for Christmas. £10 per ticket. Booking essential. Buy tickets in church after mass or click here.

Guest Preacher for Advent II
On Sunday, 4th December, Fr. Kristian Hewett, our former Pastoral Assistant, will be preaching for us at both Old S. Pancras and S. Paul’s.

Regular Giving
Supports our ministry and keeps our doors open everyday of the year for all. Click here to sign up.Every little helps.

Mass Times

Sunday 27th November 
Advent I
Solemn Mass 9.30am followed by coffee

Monday 28th November 
1st Monday in Advent

Mass 9.30am 

Tuesday 29th November 
1st Tuesday in Advent
Mass and Benediction 6.30pm followed by drinks

Wednesday 30th November 
Mass 11am at S.Paul’s followed by coffee

Thursday 1st December 
1st Thursday in Advent
Mass 10am followed by coffee

Friday 2nd December 
1st Friday in Advent
Mass 1.05pm at S.Marys Fr James’ Day Off

Saturday 3rd December 
S.Francis Xavier
Mass 10am followed by coffee

Sunday 4th December 
Advent II
Solemn Mass 9.30am followed by coffee

11.30am Sung Mass at S.Paul’s followed by Bring & Share lunch