Parish News for the Fourth Week in Advent
Weekly News
This Sunday is the Fourth of Advent, and our thoughts turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Gospel reading Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth who is also pregnant and will give birth to John the Baptist. Elizabeth’s words form part of the Hail Mary, Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. As we approach the great feast of the birth of her Son, let us ask for the prayers of Mary.Click here for the scripture readings.
A Walk through the Mass
Each Tuesday after Benediction we will walk through a different part of the mass for 20mins over a glass of wine. A great opportunity to ask questions on what we do in church and why.
Christmas Festival
Saturday 18th December. 12-5pm with Candlelit Carols at 6pm. There will be carol singing and lots of seasonal food and drink and our friends from Ghana will have a stall of beautiful homemade African crafts. To keep everyone as safe as possible this will now be a predominantly outdoor event.
Christmas Services
For more details of all our Christmas Services please click here.
Looking Ahead with Hope
Stories of humanity, wonder and gratitude in a time of uncertainty.
Eddie Gilmore, CEO of The Chaplaincy at the Irish Centre in Camden, will present his newly published book in word and song on Sunday 2nd January 1.30pm, following the 11.30am Sung Mass and shared Lunch at S.Paul’s. Click here for more details.
For the current Covid Guidance please click here
Mass Times
Sunday 19th December
Advent IV (O Radix)
Solemn Mass 9.30am
Monday 20th December
O Clavis
Mass 9.30am
Tuesday 21st December
O Oriens
Mass & Benediction 6.30pm followed by drinks
Wednesday 22nd December
O Rex
Mass at St Paul’s 11am
followed by coffee
Thursday 23rd December
O Emmanuel
Mass 10am
followed by coffee
Friday 24th December
Christmas Eve
Crib Service 4pm
First Mass of the Nativity followed by drinks 9pm
Saturday 25th December
Christmas Day
Solemn Mass 9.30am
Sung Mass at S.Paul’s 11am followed by drinks and canapés
Sunday 26th December
Feast of the Holy Family
Solemn Mass 9.30am