Parish News for the 34th Week in Ordinary Time
Weekly News
This Sunday is the Solemnity of Christ the Universal King. It is also the last Sunday of the Church year. This Feast Day celebrates Christ in all things and over all things throughout the universe. And so we can live without fear because ultimately everything belongs to him. Mass will end with the beautiful service of Benediction. Click here for the scripture readings.
Sundays at 11 Advent Singing Practice
After mass we will gather around the piano at 11am with Simon to practise some Advent hymns and the new Mass setting.
Fundraising Concert for the Church
Violin and Viola Concert this Sunday at 4pm. A virtuoso performance by Peter Sheppard Skærved inspired by Karl Friedrich Abel, a chamber musician at the 18th century court, who is buried in the graveyard at Old S. Pancras. Tickets: £15 (£5 concessions) available on the door.
Christmas Wreath Workshop
Wednesday, 24 November from 2pm to 4pm at S.Paul’s. Click here for more details.
New Church Year
Next Sunday, 28th November, we begin the new Church Year with Advent, a solemn season of preparation for the great Feast of Christmas. This is the ideal time for spiritual refreshment. If you would like to make your Confession, seek advice on deepening your prayer life or have more devotional reading material, please speak to Fr. James.
DCC Meeting
The District Church Council will meet next Sunday, 28th November at 11am in church.
Christmas Festival
Saturday 18th December. 12-5pm with Candlelit Carols at 6pm. If you can help on the day or contribute homemade cakes or bottles of wine, or be the photographer on the day, please speak to Eileen who is our coordinator.
Baptisms and Confirmations
Bishop Jonathan will be with us on Tuesday, 1st February 2022 at 6.30pm for a special service of Baptism and Confirmation. If you wish to be baptised or confirmed, please speak to Fr. James or email him
Mass Times
Sunday 21st November
Christ the Universal King
Solemn Mass and Benediction 9.30am
Monday 22nd November
Mass 9.30am
Tuesday 23rd November
S.Clement I
Mass & Benediction 6.30pm followed by drinks
Wednesday 24th November
S.Andrew Dun Lac
Mass at St Paul’s 11am
followed by coffee
Thursday 25th November
S.Catherine of Alexandria
Mass 10am
followed by coffee
Friday 26th November
Fr James day-off
Mass at S.Mary’s 1.05pm
Saturday 27th November
Our Lady
Mass 10am
Sunday 28th November
Advent I
Solemn Mass 9.30am